Panchanga means the Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yog and Karana of the day, these are called the Five Elements or Panch + Anga of Panchanga (Pancha means five and anga means limbs or attributes). Panchang can also be called a spiritual, Hindi/Hindu calendar. Panchanga is basically said in terms of the Day so Today Panchang means the Calculated Five Elements for today’s Date. The main and Basic Purpose of the Panchanga Tool is to Know the Muhuratas of Today or any other day of the Calendar, As well as for knowing the Hindu festivals, Auspicious & Favourable Time Slot for doing Important and Major things of Life like the Marriage, Career, Journey etc. For Brahmins & other Queriest Todays Panchang also gives Basic Tithi details for any important Vrats, Upvasas and for finding suitable dates for many Auspicious Undertakings, Start-Ups & Major Decisions.
Todays Online Panchang
Planetary Positions of AStrological Planets like Planet Sun, Planet Moon etc are also given in the Panchang. We in our Panchanga tool Provide Todays Sunrise and Sunset Timings. This Today Panchanga Tool is the best buddy and most usable tool for astrologers, pandits & brahmins, which can be used to find dates for fixing Muhurthas and Preparation of Horoscopes and predictions of their Jajmaans. Our Today Panchang Tool is developed with very high precision in calculations. It gives you exact results of Panchangas. Feel Free to use this Free Today Panchanga Tool.